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The Bail Bond Company That Cares About You
Located in North Fort Myers, FL   |   239-321-5434

Bail Bond Process

Step-By-Step Bailbond Process

The Process Varies From County to County

The bail bond process is different for all counties in Florida. Each county has its own way of handling inmate releases. Some counties are quick in their releasing process while others can take several hours. No bailbond agency can speed up the release process. Other bail bond agencies will claim they have the fastest service; in reality, they have no control over this process. 

Call Pirate Style Bail Bonds if you have any questions about the bail bond process.
Bail bond process

An Efficient Approach to the Bail Bond Process

When you call us and provide us with the arrestee’s name, date of birth, and the county in which they are being detained. Once we have this information, we can look up all other information pertaining to this individual. We’ll also ask you a few questions. Be sure that the person who is going to be the indemnitor (the person responsible for the arrestee) is the person we speak with throughout the process. If this is not an option at the time, we can make other arrangements. 

Once we get all the required information on the arrestee, we can start the required bond forms with the indemnitor. If you are local to the area in which you need to get someone out of jail, you may be required to come to the local office for further assistance. All required forms must be filled out by the indemnitor. 

Once we have all paperwork in order, we can post the bond. Once the bond has been posted and the defendant is released, the defendant may be required to fill out additional paperwork. The defendant will then be released into the custody of the indemnitor. Both the indemnitor and the bail bond agency are responsible for the defendant’s appearance in court each and every time they are ordered to do so until the case has been disposed and the bail bond is discharged.

After the case is over and the bond is discharged, any collateral (minus any fees) is returned to the indemnitor. No collateral will be released until we have the discharge from the court and all money has been paid.

Common Types of Bonds Judges Can Set

Call Us at 239-321-5434 for Bail Bond Services.
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